skillPOOL Szakértői Klaszter

skillPOOL Szakértői Klaszter

How much is an Expert Cluster?

2015. május 16. - LP Solutions Kft.

The first anniversary is a special moment. It is worth the time to review the events and achievements. Considering a one-year old team is hardly to be considered mature or sophisticated. Well organized, cooperative is well deserved to say.   Brainstorming is an area where everybody is expert.…


Doing business with Scandinavia

Cross Cultural Awareness

In 2014 one of the biggest challenge in Hungary is to find someone who is not thinking to work abroad for a shorter or longer period. It is not only true for a persons, but more and more company is thinking on the same: getting business in new countries.Working in an international environment is…


Strengthen the other

It happens many times with Hungarian enterprises going abroad only receive information about each other’s similar pursuits by chance. They just surprisingly experience the fact that the idea of exploring a relatively unknown field came at the same time as their competitors did. Oh yes. However in…

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