skillPOOL Szakértői Klaszter

skillPOOL Szakértői Klaszter

Strengthen the other

2014. november 04. - Geobys Contact Kft

international-market.jpgIt happens many times with Hungarian enterprises going abroad only receive information about each other’s similar pursuits by chance. They just surprisingly experience the fact that the idea of exploring a relatively unknown field came at the same time as their competitors did. Oh yes. However in case of favourable situation evaluation the usual unfriendly, jealous rivals reflexes could leave behind. Therefore they can strengthen each other by offering joint service packages for the foreign partners.

Couple of small sized companies working in the same industry could perfectly copy the vertical market expansion method of the multinational companies. Sometime they try to bring their existing, well known suppliers during the location change.

It is a challenge to see the real opportunities of larger markets for companies grown up within a small economy, and then become familiar and use those possibilities. Skills, services can change in a new environment due to different market access methods compare to the way we reach the clients on a familiar territory. The knowledge about the new business environment begins with a survey about the relevant players, the targeted clientele, the needs, the industry trends and competitors. Out of this information we can have a proper overview about the competiveness of our services. The market entry strategy can be built on this knowledge. Implementation happens via the financial plan together by control activities. It is a complex task.

Prior stepping on new foreign markets couple of proactive companies have begun conscious partnership building having expertise in bank IT, project management, consultancy, programming, planning and integration. Surprisingly they are competitors of each other on the domestic market (in our case it is Hungary). Could it be possible?

Owners of Geobys Contact Ltd decided to join to the skillPOOL cluster workgroup established in 2014. The firm is opened to utilize its existing bank IT methods and expertise for new user groups based on former business development experiences. 


Monori Gábor, business developer 

Geobys Contact Ltd. - a member of skillPOOL

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